An unabashed anti Democratic party page.
Here is the agenda.
Elect Obama
Double to triple your taxes
Give your hard earned wages to freeloaders and illegal aliens
so they can appear to be caring.
Open the borders, amnesty for all
Pull the troops out of the Mid-east
Sit back and watch Iran take over all of the Mid East
Appoint Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.
Appoint a bunch of tax evaders to cabinet posistions. Yes, even the treasurer of the United States.
When things start go up in smoke and ash and maybe even dirty atomic waste, they are going to cry " Who's fault
is this.?
How did they ever get bombs blowing up in Hollywood?
Yep, the Muslims will be dancing in the streets again. This time it might just be OUR streets.
The Muslims radicals are not going to care one bit if your homosexual marriage was sanctioned by the state of (
pick one ) they are still going to cut off your heads.
One thing is for sure, they won't be able to blame G.W.B.
Keep God in your heart.
Keep your family close.
Keep your weapons clean and your ammo dry.
If it comes to it, stand and fight where you are. There's only one thing you will get by running. That's TIRED.